Date: Thu, 09 Nov 2000 17:27:14 -0500 From: Bruce Ingalls Reply-to: To: Subject: java-open I added this code to EMacro, as default settings for java-open-source-path. You may wish to add this to a future version of java-open.el. EMacro does support java-open. Let me know of updates. ;;Default to using CLASSPATH for finding java source files ;;Help from Benjamin Rutt (cond ((or (eq "ms-dos" system-type) (string-match "windows" (format "%s" system-type))) (setq java-open-source-path (delq nil (mapcar (lambda (x) (if (file-directory-p x) x nil)) (split-string (getenv "CLASSPATH") ";"))))) (t ;Linux (mac?) separate paths with ":" (setq java-open-source-path (delq nil (mapcar (lambda (x) (if (file-directory-p x) x nil)) (split-string (getenv "CLASSPATH") ":")))))) This searches out all the directories that I have in my CLASSPATH, as I usually also keep my *.java source files there, too. I usually include "." in CLASSPATH, fwiw. -- EMacro remakes Emacs